Pokemon gay porn wattson

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Please help the Pokémon Wiki by expanding it. It may also come from 'Tesla', referring to Nikola Tesla, inventor of the Tesla coil, and/or the tesla, the metric unit of magnetic induction, named after the aforementioned inventor. His Japanese name, Tessen, translates into 'steel wire', as wires conduct electricity. The name Wattson comes from 'watt' which is the SI unit of power (the amount of energy released per unit of time) and commonly associated with electricity. Although mostly stubborn, he can be very caring on certain occasions. He is normally full of spirit, and laughs at anyone's jokes, which gives other an impression of him being a geezer. Wattson is proficient at battling with Electric-type Pokémon, though he owns more Electric-type Pokémon that he does not use. Wattson wears a green jacket, with thunder print on it. Wattson's appearance remains the same as it is in Ruby and Sapphire. Wattson wears a brown shirt, with a thunder logo on his sleeves. He wears a yellow jumpsuit, with pockets on his hips.Ĭoncept artwork of Wattson for Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. Wattson is a short, chubby old man with white hair that stands up and has a white beard with a smile, for Wattson laughs a lot.

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